Darja Zaviršek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work
Darja Zaviršek, Ph.D., researcher and professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, is the chair of the Department of Social Justice and Inclusion at the Faculty of Social Work and a professor at the international MA program entitled "Social Work as a Human Rights Profession" at the University of Applied Science in Berlin. She is a member of the Academic Network of European Disability Experts and serves as president of the Eastern European Sub-Regional Association of the Schools of Social Work (part of the IASSW). Her areas of research and publishing include the following: disability studies, theories of gendered violence, history of social work education, racism and anti-racist social work, and qualitative comparative critical methodology. In 2016, she gave a Hokenstad Lecture on "Humanitarian Crises and the Crises of Humanitarianism" in Atlanta, Georgia. Her most recent books are: Romske družine [Roma Families] (2019), Skrb kot nasilje [Coercive Care] (2018), Notranje in meddržavne posvojitve: od osebnih izkušenj do dobre prakse [Intercountry and International Adoption: A Social Work Perspective] (2012), Od krvi do skrbi: socialno starševstvo v globalnem svetu [From Blood to Care: Social Parenthood in a Global World] (2012), and Hendikep kot kulturna travma [Disability as a Cultural Trauma] (2000). She participated in the development of social work programs in Ukraine, Kosovo, Georgia, and the Republica Srbska in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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The Institute of Philosophy of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
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ZRC SAZU in Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru
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Foto: Andrej Furlan