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Federico Tenca Montini

ZRS Koper

After completing his master's degree in sociology, Federico Tenca Montini enrolled in a joint PhD programme at the universities of Teramo and Zagreb (mentor Professor Tvrtko Jakovina). He later dealt with various aspects of the Slovenian minority in Italy during two post-doc researches at the University in Trieste. He has authored two books Fenomenologia di un martirologio mediatico (2014) and La Jugoslavia e la questione di Trieste 1945-1954 (2020), the latter also available in Croatian (Trst ne damo! Jugoslavija i Tršćansko pitanje 1945-1954) and Slovenian (Trsta ne damo! Jugoslavija in tržaško vprašanje 1945–1954) translations, and scientific publications in Italian, English, and Croatian. Besides his research commitments in the context of ERC 'Open Borders', he is currently participating in various research programmes for the Regional Institute of History of the Resistance Movement and the Contemporary Age (Irsrec FVG).



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