Alternator je časopis o znanosti. Prostor za vzpostavljanje in ohranjanje njene avtonomije ter prostor za odprto raziskovalno samorefleksijo. O znanosti želimo razmišljati od znotraj navzven, temeljito in celostno. Želimo, da samorefleksija avtorjev iztiri deskriptivno razmišljanje o znanosti, da jo vrže iz samovšečnega ravnotežja. Da se nauči sebe misliti kot drugega. Da s svojimi odkritji postavi naše interpretativne zmožnosti pod vprašaj. Da svoje izrekanje sooči z novimi okoliščinami. Da združi svojo težnjo po samoutemeljevanju z aktivno udeležbo v družbi. Obsedenost z vidnostjo, ki streže populistični hiperprodukciji, želimo zamenjati s (samo)kritično refleksijo lastne predstave. Zato podnaslov: Misliti znanost. Misliti znanost v dialektični izmenjavi med raziskovalci in raziskovalkami ter vsemi, ki jih znanost zanima.
Upamo, da boste v Alternatorju našli čim več drugega, čim več tujosti, ki bo služila vaši potrebi po razumevanju kompleksnih pojavov ter nadgrajevanju ustaljenega sistema z novimi dognanji.

Alternator is an on-line journal about science. It is a space for establishing and maintaining the autonomy of science as well as a space for open research self-reflection. Our goal is to present science from the inside out, profoundly, and as a whole. Our goal is for authors to jettison descriptive reflections about science and to throw science out of its self-sufficient equilibrium. To learn to think of itself as another. To provide insights that make us question our interpretative capacities. To confront its utterance with new conditions. To integrate the ivory tower of academia with active participation in society. We want to substitute the obsession with visibility that serves populist hyperproduction with (self)critical reflection. Hence the subtitle: Think Science. Think science as the dialectical exchange between researchers and everyone who takes an interest in science.
We hope that you will find in Alternator content that is as "other" as possible, that is as alien as possible, content that will meet your need to understand the most complex ideas and construct a stable system of new discoveries.
Iz slovenščine prevedla Erica Johnson Debeljak.